One of the coolest theme ideas for a nursery is outer space and solar system planets. If you’re thinking about going for this out of this world theme, here are some awesome baby mobile ideas!
Handmade space baby mobile made by Feltnjoy Etsy Shop, with stars, the planets, a rocket, a friendly astronaut waving and even an alien in a space ship!!
This is a good choice as well! Very colorful and vibrant, made of soft short plush, filled with soft fiberfill.
This one is out of this world! Crafted perfectly into little planetary fuzz balls that just makes you want to reach out and touch! Hand made with wool and Styrofoam balls, using expert detail!! One of many great baby mobiles created by Etsy shop Fetroll.
Very interesting “spin” on the baby mobile, using a elongated spiral that has a mesmerizing effect while circling around! Crafted and sold through Etsy shop WoolDreamland.
Traveling the galaxy on a space ship surrounded by shooting stars!
This spacey baby mobile displays planets, a comet, astronaut and rocket. One of the many awesome space mobiles you can find at